13 February 2024

Kilwaughter Lime and Glasson Fertilisers team up to deliver industry webinar on Soil Health

A webinar, hosted by Kilwaughter Lime and Glasson Grain advised farmers on the precise balance of nutrients and the environment that their crops need to thrive.

The ‘Stop Wasting Fertiliser’ webinar which took place on Thursday 15th December at 8pm was chaired by Nigel Hayton, Fertiliser Trading Manager for Glasson Fertilisers who was brought up on a farm and has worked in the fertiliser industry for 17 years, and reminded farmers that understanding the “lay of the land” will enable them to better plan when and what they should be applying to their soil.

The first speaker was Hannah Shirt, FACTS qualified Business Development Manager for Lancrop Laboratories who has completed her BASIS soil and water qualification and uses analysis to gauge a farmer’s nutritional requirements before recommending any fertiliser grade. Hannah’s presentation discussed all things soil health including why soil analysis is important, what you can test for and PH management.

Following Hannah, Kevin Havekes, Kilwaughter’s BASIS and FACTS qualified Agronomist who has over 20 years experience in soil health, soil pH management and soil nutrition, gave an insight into the importance of soil PH to nutrient recovery from the soil, the role calcium can play and and how granulated lime can help.

The final speaker, Francis Pickering, Commercial Manager at Glasson Fertilisers, a farmer’s son from near Whitby who has extensive experience in the agricultural industry with a background of grain procurement and fertiliser and seed sales, offered practical advice on crop yield and the law of the minimum, crop uptakes and the seasonal patterns, crop offtakes and crop establishment.

Nigel wrapped up the webinar with a summary of the insights given by the speakers and chaired a Q & A with the panel, addressing the questions that viewers had submitted throughout the presentations.

Kevin Havekes from Kilwaughter Lime said of the webinar,

“This is the second webinar event we have hosted this year and once again exceeded our hopes and expectations. Education with regard to soil health is extremely important to us at Kilwaughter Lime and the webinar undoubtedly delivered that objective. In these times of economic instability, it’s vital for us all to reduce waste and make better use of what we already have, and the webinar offered practical advice to farmers on how they could do just that. We were delighted with the engagement from our audience and are confident that those who tuned in came away with some advice that will be beneficial to them going into 2023.”

Watch the webinar on demand